There is a growing separation between classes (and civilizations), also resulting in the elimination of the middle class (and cultures), and we are headed towards the third world, a hodgepodge of destitution and gluttony, due to a number of unbalanced infrastructures and attitudes.
We however are rooting, not for the 99% or the 1%, or even the elimination of the 1, or domination of the 99. We are rooting for and believe in the unified, aware, and extraordinarily sound, content 100%! All families fed, all children equally educated, all systems truly just, etc. We root whole heartedly, not just nationally but globally. And may we remember that there are so many people with a wide range of different levels of income are also working together in this movement, not just people on the other side of the tracks.
Afterthought: Do we really need to be reminded of the infamous, motherly phrase - "Sharing is caring!"? Apparently so. And it may just be time, for us all, to save our allowance, and spend it less frequently on candy and toys.
"Let's make this so big it can't fail." -Random Protestors Sign
A great video clip of the Oakland General Strike march's glorious highway takeover ---
And please keep the Peace. |
When there is strength in numbers, peace and music do the trick. |
Protesting can be so much fun!
More peppers, less pepper spray! |
Delicious, spicy, rich with color and the flavor of revolution. |
Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the GOP bite. |