
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to Tipi Town, Population Low. - The aftermath from the Occupy Oakland protest on January 28th, 2012 (text coming soon)

"Welcome to Tipi town, please watch your step"

Chalk outline of a body on middle right lower

Security guard at the front interior steps of Oakland City Hall ~ By the state of the place, she probably wasn't there last night...

Indigenous North American medicine wheel...

In the center of geometric stars

Cop confrontation, she gave him a piece of her mind, he was actually pretty gracious... 

Communing with the Tipi commune


Prayer and Bible

Hope for the Future

Power spray

Better education is being called upon

Factually recounting last night's events

Friday, January 27, 2012

Crowded/We Are All In this Thing Together- A photo observation on people coming together and sharing a feeling/experience in a cohesive way... (to be continued).

Free outdoor music festival

Wedding - just after the vows 

Protestors after a success during a protest 

Occupy Oakland

Occupy UC Berkeley - Joined by Occupy Oakland